Thanksgiving is one of the most anticipated meals of the year and one of the most challenging to pair with. Pairing 101 says to pair with the main dish, but with so many of our favorite one-day-only dishes on the table, it gets complicated… quickly. Sweet Potatoes, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, turkey (light and dark), stuffing, gravy, green beans,and brussel sprouts…just kidding, those are gross. With all these flavors, and everyone choosing different combinations for their plate, it can be daunting to select only ONE wine for the table… or is it? Regardless of personal leanings, almost everyone on the planet can agree on Rosé wine. It is bolder than a white, and lighter than a red. It has fruit to keep sweeter fans appeased and has great acidity for those wanting something more. And the #1 star quality? It is the easiest food pairing wine on the planet! Now the decision is, WHICH Rosé to have on the table. If you are like 99% of us, you have had enough Rosé wines to feel like a pro so the last thing you need is to be winesplained about Rosé. What you need is something special for the holiday, but that won’t break the bank. After all (if you are anything like my family) you will be opening a lot of bottles so price and quality are the focus. Let me introduce you to this little gem:
Blatina Rosé: produced by Carski Vinogradi Mostar in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Can be ordered on www.WinesofIllyria.com
A beautiful peachy pink hue, this wine has a soft, clean nose with aromas of right red berry, orchids and a little brine. The palate offers notes of cantaloupe, prosciutto, lime and chalk minerality. A lighter bodied Rosé than some, it offers the versatility to go with appetizers, work you through the meal and even finish with a “dessert” selection of cheeses and fruit. Save the pie for the next day’s breakfast, after all aren’t you saturated by the end of the
Thanksgiving meal? And pie with coffee for breakfast is one of the best pairings out there.

Michele Padberg is an Advanced Somm, International wine judge, wine writer, educator & co-owner of Vivac Winery.